Round 1: The crowd is screaming "Manny, Manny," even before the round begins. Clottey paces and Manny gets final instruction from trainer Freddie Roach. Pacquiao jabs and goes to the body. Clottey's hands are held high. He looks bigger. Pacquiao is still throwing. On the ropes, Clottey is covering up. Clottey throws a short jab. Pacquiao fires away at the body. Clottey still has not answered. Clottey is blocking shots, but there is no offense. Pacquiao's counter right lands over a lazy jab by Clottey. Clottey lands a short right. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 2: Same thing to start the second. Pacquiao is throwing, Clottey is catching. Clottey uncorks a couple of jabs. Pacquiao lands to the head and body. Clottey tries to come forward. Pacquiao backs him up. Clottey digs to the body and to the head. Pacquiao goes to the body and the head and the body again. Clottey answers similarly. Pacquiao digs to the body and head. Clottey lands once to the head. Pacquiao is digging around Clottey's guard to the ribs, but Clottey's punches that land to the head are accurate. Pacquiao's round, 10-9
Round 3: Clottey may be feeling the body shots that Pacquiao is landing. Clottey comes back. Pacquiao's activity has Clottey backing up. Clottey is taking shots to the midsection and ribs, but comes back with a left-right. Clottey's not going anywhere. Clottey lands a hard right hand that pops back Pacquiao's head. Clottey is briefly pinned in a corner but he's blocking shots. Clottey begins to answer back. Telltale signs that Clottey could be trying to wear down and discourage Pacquiao for a trap in the later rounds. Clottey lands to the head. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 4: Clottey has more pep in his step to start the round. Clottey lands a lead right. Clottey loops in another right. Pacquiao digs a right to the body but takes a one-two to the head. Pacquiao throws two hands -- around each of Clottey's guard -- and is warned by referee Rafael Ramos. It is apparent frustration that he can't get to Clottey's head consistantly. Pacquiao lands a five-punch combination on the ropes. Many of the punches are landing on Clottey's arms, yet Pacquiao, nevertheless, keeps throwing because they're more than Clottey's offering. Clottey lands a right-left to the body. Pacquiao closes to the head. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 5: Pacquiao is winning simply on activity. Clottey lands twice to the body. Clottey lands a right to the head. Overhand left from Pacquiao. Clottey clearly has it in the tank but seems to be saving up? Pacquiao right hooks twice to the head. Clottey lands a short right. Clottey lands a left to the head and a right. Pacqauio lands a five-punch combination. And then Pacquiao lands four punches before the bell. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 6: Clottey is clearly trying to wear down Pacquiao with pressure, but he's got to throw punches if he wants to keep from digging a bigger hole for himself. Clottey throws a right. His back against the ropes, Pacquiao takes three punches, but punches his way out. Pacquiao keeps up his punch output. A four-punch combination finds Clottey hard to the head and body. Clottey lands a hard right that jars Pacquiao. Pacquiao digs to the body. Clottey finds Pac-Man with a right and then a left. Pacquiao nails him three times along the ropes. Clottey lands a left at the bell. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 7: Clottey goes to the body early. Clottey doubles up on the left and lands a right. Pacquiao continues to lead to the body and go to the head -- around Clottey's defense. Pacquiao chases Clottey to the ropes, but takes a hard right. Clottey goes to the body and the head. Pacquiao lands a five-punch combination to the body. Clottey can't sustain any consistancy on punch series'. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 8: Clottey lands a looping right hand. Pacquiao's still boxing and maintaining distance. Pacquiao digs five right hands that split Clottey's guard. Clottey is warned for a low blow. Pacquiao takes a couple of seconds of recovery time. More body shots from Pacquiao. A nice right hand from Pacqiao. A head butt. No damage. A hard right and a left from Pacquiao. Several punches follow. Pacquiao closes strongly, uncontested. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 9: Clottey doesn't answer as Pacquiao jabs at his defense. Clottey comes forward but nothing. The PacMan just wails away at whatever he can find available. Clottey finally goes with a right, left, right combination. But the PacMan comes back. A six-punch combination by The PacMan is punctuated by a right hand. Pacquiao does it again, and again. Clottey is baffeled by Pacquiao's speed, apparently. Clottey is a sparring partner at this point. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 10: Clottey needs to throw caution to the wind, but instead, he's riding a downward spiral toward defeat. A right hook from Pacquiao lands hard. A left to the body from Pacquiao.Clottey is within range to counter, but does not. What must Clottey be thinking? Clottey tags PacMan, but doesn't followup. Clottey leaps in and lands a right. Clottey lands a right uppercut and another right. PacMan comes back, however, and gets busy again. Pacquiao chases Clottey to the corner and continues landing. Pacquaio's round, 10-9.
Round 11: Clottey is coming forward with intensity. Pacquiao still is outboxing him. Clottey lands two hard lefts. PacMan comes back. Clottey lands an uppercut. PacMan drives him to the ropes with a six-punch combination. Pacquiao closes by chasing and out-landing Clottey. The crowd is in a frenzy at his resolve and sustained energy level. Pacquiao's round, 10-9.
Round 12: A hard right from Clottey and then a head butt. Clottey lands a long right hand. Clottey lands a left to the body and one to the head. Pacquiao doubles a left hook to the body and head and follows with a right hand. Clottey is being outworked again. PacMan takes a left hand. They exchange down to the bell, and when the bell sounds, PacMan is in Clottey's face, jumping up and down as if he still wants to go some more. Pacqauiao's round, 10-9.
Duane Ford had it 120-108, Levi Martinez, 119-109, and, Nelson Vazquez, 119-109, all for Manny Pacquiao by unanimous decision.
FanHouse scored it 120-108,for Pacquiao.