by Sherwin Allan Badayos Balbin on Thursday, August 19, 2010 at 2:20pm
This film is essentially genuine and heartwarming. The child actor, Freddie Highmore who played Evan Taylor aka August Rush was a superb orphaned musical prodigy.
His father was disappointed with what had happened to her and on the day they had a strong discussion, Lyla met an accident. Lyla's father arranged an adoption paper giving an institution the right to assume the responsibility of raising the child. He lied to Lyla of the real story but instead told her that the child was dead, and as excpected, Lyla was devastated.
Evan Taylor grew-up with the special ability to appreciate and learn music instantly. In the movie, he left the orphanage and went to the city in search of his parents. He then met some kids playing music in the street who were under the care of Maxwell Wallace (played by Robin Williams) who in turned, a self-centered fellow who's only intention is to gain money from him.
This was eventually known by the church priest and he sent August Rush to Juilliard School of Music. With August's brilliance he was chosen to perform with the Philharmonic at the Central Park in New York.
In the movie, he has the gift and the authentic appreciation of music. August Rush believed that through music he will find his parents and he strongly deemed that they are still alive.
The movie's first part showed how Lyla Novacek (played by Keri Russell) and Louis Connelly (played by Jonathan Rhys Meyers) first met and eventually had an instant attraction and intimate night together. And due to that one night, Lyla had born a child out of wedlock.
(He also starred in the hit movies like Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and he was behind the voice of Astro Boy in 2009).
(He also starred in the hit movies like Charlie & the Chocolate Factory and he was behind the voice of Astro Boy in 2009).
(She was the star of the hit TV series Felicity and she's one of the kids in the 1990s movie, Honey I Blew Up The Kid)
(She was the star of the hit TV series Felicity and she's one of the kids in the 1990s movie, Honey I Blew Up The Kid)
After a police raid incident at the old theater where Maxwell kept his prodigies, August Rush found himself in a church where he met a girl choir singer. That girl discovered the ingenuity of August in terms of using the piano and dealing with complicated musical notes.
(Starred in Vanity Fair and won a Golden Globe Best Actor for his potrayal in Tudors shown in HBO)
(Starred in Vanity Fair and won a Golden Globe Best Actor for his potrayal in Tudors shown in HBO)
At the end, faith and destiny brought them together. With August Rush's conducting his own composition at Central Park, his parents once again reunited as they listened to his masterpiece.
This was indeed one of the original stories I have ever known to this date. Each scenes contributed to sewing the story altogether. It actually showed how love is powerful. Although, partly this was tagged as fairy tale by some, but as they say, somehow, somewhere, it may become true.
Recommended for the whole family but with parental guidance for the kids.
My fearless rating for this movie is 9 stars out of 10. @(",)@